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Old Dogana or tobacco station warehouses

The Austrians and especially the first Yugoslavia were very much aware of the tobacco importance for the economy of Imotski and nearby Herzegovina. It was a lucrative industry which was run to fully protect the state interests, leading to frequent protests in later days.

After storing tobacco in private houses for the most part of the 19th century, the first warehouse was build in 1888, and the second followed in 1898, when the administrative building was added. The road thru the complex was widen after the WW II to accomodate increased trafic, while preserving the original structures.

The place is not any more used for the tobacco trade. Since 1991 the north warehouse is now used by the Imotski winery while the south parts of the complex have been taken by the Trimota textile factory.
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Stara Dogana ili Duhanska Stanica magacini

Austrijanci i specijalo stara Jugoslavija su bili jako dobro svjesni značaja duhana kao jednog od sredstava punjenja državnih poreznih kofera. Obje države su nastojale izvući što veću dobit na uštrb seljaka i tu je dolazilo do pobuna.

Nakon što se je duhan uskladištavao u privatnim kućama u 19-om stoljeću, prvi magacin je izgradjen 1888 godine, a drugi je slijedio 1898-e, iste godine kada je administrativna zgrada sagradjena. Cesta koja je prolazila kroz kompleks se je proširila nakon drugog svjetskoga rata bez da su se mijenjali originalni objekti.

Više u ovim zgradama nema duhana. Od 1991-e sjeverna zgradu koristi imotska vinarija dok je južna u posjedu Trimota tekstilne tvornice.
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Old Dogana or tobacco station warehouses
